
脑梗塞的脑磁图表现(附2例报告) 被引量:4

Magnetoencephalography appearances of brain infarction(report of two cases)
摘要 目的:分析2例脑梗塞患者的脑磁图表现,探讨脑磁图的研究现状以及在脑血管疾病方面的应用价值。方法:对2例经头颅CT或MRI确诊为脑梗塞的患者进行脑磁图检查。结果:患者于安静状态下行双侧腕部正中神经电刺激,所得手区体感皮质诱发反应,发现患侧半球M20诱发反应消失,M35反应波幅明显降低。结论:脑磁图能早期确定大脑功能损伤的程度和区域,对脑梗塞的早期诊断和适时治疗很有帮助。 Objective:To analyze the MEG appearance of brain infarction in two patients,and to study the present situa-tion of MEG and its value in the diagnosis of cerebral vascular diseases.Methods:Two patients with brain infarction diag-nosed by CT or MRI were examined by MEG.Results:In peaceful and quiet condition,the median nerves of the wrist on both sides were stimulated with electric stimulus.Somatosensory Evoked Potential(SEP)in hand area was obtained.At the same time,M 20 in the affected hemisphere was disappeared and M 35 in the affected hemisphere was decreased.Conclu sion:MEG can find the degree and the region of the cerebral functional disorder earlier than other imaging examination.It is a promising technique for early diagnosis and timely treatment of brain infarction.
出处 《中国临床医学影像杂志》 CAS 2002年第6期381-383,共3页 Journal of China Clinic Medical Imaging
关键词 脑梗塞 脑磁图 病历报告 诊断 治疗 cerebral infarction magnetoencephalography
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