20 0 0年和 2 0 0 1年秋季 ( 9~ 1 0月 )西北区中东部———陕、甘、宁、青四省连续两年出现了自 2 0世纪 80年代中期以来范围最大、持续时间最长的连阴雨天气。分析了50 0hPa和 1 0 0hPa的环流特征及海温 ,特别是西太平洋副高和海温对秋季连阴雨的影响 ,总结出西北地区连阴雨出现时亚欧 50
The longest, continuous autumn rain events occurred in the central and eastern part of northwest China in 2000 and 2001 (Sep. to Oct.) since the mid 1980s. The impact of general circulation and sea surface temperature, especially the west Pacific subtropical high and sea surface temperature on the continuous autumn rainfall is analyzed. And the patterns of 5 day mean circulation of continuous autumn rainfall over 500hPa geopotential height field in Europe and Asia regions are given.
Meteorological Monthly