The seismotectonic environment and seismic activity in Southwest China region were studied based on new data and new results obtained during the Eighth and Ninth Five-Year Plans, the seismic areas and zones and potential seismic source zones were determined, and the relation between seismic activity parameters and ground motion attenuation was determined. Finally the seismic ground motion zoning maps of the Pangxi region was compiled by using the multi-parameter and multi-scheme method.
The seismotectonic environment and seismic activity in Southwest China region were studied based on new data and new results obtained during the Eighth and Ninth Five-Year Plans, the seismic areas and zones and potential seismic source zones were determined, and the relation between seismic activity parameters and ground motion attenuation was determined. Finally the seismic ground motion zoning maps of the Pangxi region was compiled by using the multi-parameter and multi-scheme method.
ThepaperisaresultofkeyS&Tresearchproject 95-0 5- 0 3- 0 5- 0 2jointlysupportedbyChinaSeismologicalBureauandtheS&TPlanningDivisionofSichuanProvince