主持和领导资政院工作的总裁 (议长 ) ,在资源政院有其特殊的地位和权力。武昌起义以前的四五年间 ,清政府先后简派了六位正副总裁 ,他们的出任、活动、解职 ,都反映了清政府利用总裁 ,控制资源政院 ,使资政院仅仅成为封建政府的御用议事机构。
The Preidents of Zhi Zhen Yuan, an administration empowered by Qing Dynasty, enjoyed their special privileges and powers in shared resources. Four to five years before the Wuchang Resurgence, Qing government had appointed 6 presidents to position in succession, which demonstrated that Zhi Zhen Yuan used to be a mere substitution administration for the government to control the resources and share the council.
Journal of Leshan Normal University