目的 探讨微切口重睑术的优缺点及适应证。方法 自 1998年以来对 36例 6 9只眼睛行微切口重睑术 ,每侧 1~ 3个微小切口 ,长 2~ 3mm ,去除切口下眼轮匝肌及部分睑板前筋膜。结果 所有病例均无明显肿胀 ,重睑牢靠 ,外形自然逼真 ,随访 6个月~ 2a,效果满意。结论 微切口重睑术创伤小、恢复快 ,重睑自然牢靠 ,效果佳。
Objective To investigate the advantages and disadvantages of the mini incision double eyelid plasty and the best mechanism of the patiens Methods Since 1998,69 upper eyelids of 36 cases had been performed the double eyelid plasty by mini incision,each side 1 to 3,the length was 2 or 3 mm.Results All the cases were less swell,the upper eyelid fold lines were very natural and firm The followup showed that the result of such operation method was satisfactory Conclusions The double eyelid plasty by mini incision has a slight wound,no serious complication The postoperative double fold eyelid line is permanent and natural and reaches a best result
Journal of Henan Medical College For Staff and Workers