通过对气源岩显微组分的热模拟实验 ,发现单一显微组分产物中甲苯碳同位素值基本不随加热温度的变化而变化 ;而且 ,不同类型显微组分产物中甲苯碳同位素的值相差较大 ,藻类体产物甲苯碳同位素值在 - 2 7‰左右 ,镜质体产物甲苯碳同位素值在 - 2 2‰左右。不同盆地不同类型岩石热模拟产物的甲苯碳同位素值随加热温度升高的变化有两种情况 :一是岩石类型较为单一时 ,热模拟产物甲苯碳同位素值随温度升高变化不大 ;二是当岩石具有混合的干酪根类型时 ,热模拟产物甲苯碳同位素值随温度升高呈台阶式变化 ,在一定温度范围内保持不变。根据以上实验结果认为 ,利用甲苯碳同位素值和其他气源对比指标 。
Result of thermal simulation of different signal maceral is that carbon isotope composition of toluene in signal maceral is little affected by the thermal maturity when a maceral is thermal simulated from 400℃ to 700℃ While the variation of toluene from different types of signal macral is about 5‰ Carbon isotope composition of toluene in alginite is about -27‰ and is about -22‰ in vitrinite There are two types of variety of carbon isotope composition of toluene in different types of rock thermal simulation carbon isotope composition of toluene in simple structure of rock such as Ⅰand Ⅲ type kerogen is little affected by the thermal maturity when a rock is thermal simulated from 400℃ to 700℃ While the vary type of carbon isotope composition of toluene in complex structure of rock such as Ⅱ type kerogen is to be as steps Carbon isotope composition of toluene remains stable within a certain range of thermal temperature Carbon isotope composition of toluene can be index of gas rock correlation; also, it can be index of maturity of gas when it combines other indexes
Natural Gas Geoscience