提出一种矫正复性近视散光的角膜修正模型 ,将近视和散光的矫正融合在一起。用患眼的球镜度数和散光度数等建立了修正模型的数学方程 ,用散光的轴位角度确定了模型建立时所用的坐标系与激光切削角膜时所用坐标系之间的转换关系。模型确定的角膜修正区域形状随散光的变化而变化。该模型已经用于临床指导眼屈光性手术 ;33只复性近视散光眼接受了该模型指导的LASIK手术。术前平均球镜度为 6 .0 0± 2 .14D ,平均等量球镜度为 - 6 .4 3± 2 .18D ,平均柱镜度为 - 0 .86± 0 .4 1D ,平均裸眼视力为 0 .12± 0 .0 8;术后一天这些值分别为 :- 0 .2 2± 0 .74D ,- 0 .4 3± 0 .85D ,- 0 .4 2± 0 .6 2D ,0 .88± 0 .18。结果表明 :手术后眼晴的球镜度、柱镜度减退了 。
With the relationship between the coordinate used to construct the model and the coordinate used to control excimer laser beams established by the astigmatic axis, a cornea ablation model was constructed using the sphere and the cylinder for correction of refractive errors of compound myopic astigmatism. The 33 eyes with compound myopic astigmatism has a mean sphere of -6.00±2.14 D, a mean spherical equivalent refraction of -6.43±2.18 D, a mean cylinder of -0.86±0.41 D, and a mean uncorrected visual acuity of 0.12±0.08 before LASIK operation using the model, and had a mean sphere of -0.22±0.74 D, a mean spherical equivalent refraction of -0.43±0.85 D, a mean cylinder of -0.42±0.62 D, and a mean uncorrected visual acuity of 0.88±0.18 one day after LASIK operation using the model. Practice proved the mathematic cornea ablation model is safe and effective for correction of compound myopic astigmatism.
Optics and Precision Engineering
江苏省"十五"高技术研究计划项目(No .BG2 0 0 2 0 12 )
"十五"国家计委产业化项目(计产业 [2 0 0 2 ]132 9号)资助