目的评价平板运动试验 (TET)在冠状动脉病变 (CAD)诊断中的应用价值。 方法以冠状动脉造影术 (CAG)检测结果作为金标准 ,统计分析TET对正常冠脉组及CAD患者共 2 0 4例的临床检测价值。TET采用NCVC亚方案 ,评价指标包括最大运动负荷量 (MET)、ST段改变、SBP变化。 结果TET中 ,ST段改变、运动后3minSBP比值 (3′)和MET是CAD检测的有效指标 ,ST段改变与运动后 3minSBP比值 (3′)的综合评估可提高TET对CAD的临床检测价值 ,其诊断准确性、敏感性和特异性分别达 78.4 %、70 .4 %和 91.1%。
Objective To valuate treadmill exercise test (TET)in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease(CAD). Methods An analysis was made in concern of treadmill exercise testing and coronary arteriography(CAG)monitoring as the golden standard,in 204 cases. In the sub NCVC proposal the indexes included ST segment, SBP, and maximum exercise capacity. Results In TET, the accuracy (78.4%) , sensitivity(70.4%)and specificity(91.1%)of the SBP rate combined with ST segment are higher than each parameter. Conclusion TET is valuable for clinical diagnosis of CAD.
Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Secondae Shanghai