在传统轻质碳酸钙生产的基础上 ,用沉淀法制备了高档卷烟纸专用碳酸钙。经抄纸试验证明 ,该碳酸钙产品对于提高纸张的白度、不透明度、留着率有比较满意的结果 。
On the basis of preparation of light-duty calc iu m carbonate in traditional method, calcium carbonate especially for high-qualit y cigarette paper was manufactured by precipitation method. The papermaking test of calcium carbonate in laboratory proves that, this kind of production used as a filling material in high-quality cigarette paper can improve the porosity, b rightness of cigarette paper, and more filling was reserved. The test result of calcium carbonate from chemical or physical properties and particle size distrib ution reveals that, this is a kind of good quality special calcium carbonate use d for high-quality cigarette paper.
Heilongjiang Pulp & Paper