With the deepening of the western development,supports of the country for the western region of China continued to increase.It also includes the support for enterprise innovation activities,by reducing the tax,exemption,subsidies and other means.Due to the effect of government subsidies on enterprise innovation activities is different in different regions,industries and so on,there is a big controversy.Therefore,we use the panel data of listed companies in manufacturing industry of western region as samples for empirical research,to research the effect of government subsidies on enterprise innovation activities in the western of China,the study found that overall,the current government subsidies has a positive effect on Enterprise R&D investment,whereas the last year's government subsidy has a negative effect on R&D investment,but it's incentive effect is greater than the crowding out effect.The study also found there are different effects between the state-owned enterprises and private enterprises,the crowding out effect of private enterprises is very small and not significant.
With the deepening of the western development,supports of the country for the western region of China continued to increase.It also includes the support for enterprise innovation activities,by reducing the tax,exemption,subsidies and other means.Due to the effect of government subsidies on enterprise innovation activities is different in different regions,industries and so on,there is a big controversy.Therefore,we use the panel data of listed companies in manufacturing industry of western region as samples for empirical research,to research the effect of government subsidies on enterprise innovation activities in the western of China,the study found that overall,the current government subsidies has a positive effect on Enterprise R&D investment,whereas the last year's government subsidy has a negative effect on R&D investment,but it's incentive effect is greater than the crowding out effect.The study also found there are different effects between the state-owned enterprises and private enterprises,the crowding out effect of private enterprises is very small and not significant.