The coal-rock interface recognition method based on multi-sensor data fusiontechnique is put forward because of the localization of single type sensor recognition method. Themeasuring theory based on multi-sensor data fusion technique is analyzed, and hereby the testplatform of recognition system is manufactured. The advantage of data fusion with the fuzzy neuralnetwork (FNN) technique has been probed. The two-level FNN is constructed and data fusion is carriedout. The experiments show that in various conditions the method can always acquire a much higherrecognition rate than normal ones.
The coal-rock interface recognition method based on multi-sensor data fusiontechnique is put forward because of the localization of single type sensor recognition method. Themeasuring theory based on multi-sensor data fusion technique is analyzed, and hereby the testplatform of recognition system is manufactured. The advantage of data fusion with the fuzzy neuralnetwork (FNN) technique has been probed. The two-level FNN is constructed and data fusion is carriedout. The experiments show that in various conditions the method can always acquire a much higherrecognition rate than normal ones.
This project is supported by Provincial Youth Science Foundation of Shanxi China (No.20011020)
National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.59975064).