Former research work about the modeling of hip joint focus on the uppersegment of femoral, and assumes the acetabulum cup is sphere concave, and the acetabulum prosthesesis semisphere. A method of acquiring the point data on the surface of the hipbone using the reverseengineering technology is presented. After analyzing the acetabulum surface fitting error, arotation ellipsoid CAD model is applied to fit the acetabulum surface, and then optimizationtechnique is used to find the geometric parameters of the model. The fitting error between thesphere and rotation ellipsoid is compared and gets the result that the fitting error of rotationellipsoid is smaller than sphere, and the rotation ellipsoid can describe the shape of theacetabulum better.
Former research work about the modeling of hip joint focus on the uppersegment of femoral, and assumes the acetabulum cup is sphere concave, and the acetabulum prosthesesis semisphere. A method of acquiring the point data on the surface of the hipbone using the reverseengineering technology is presented. After analyzing the acetabulum surface fitting error, arotation ellipsoid CAD model is applied to fit the acetabulum surface, and then optimizationtechnique is used to find the geometric parameters of the model. The fitting error between thesphere and rotation ellipsoid is compared and gets the result that the fitting error of rotationellipsoid is smaller than sphere, and the rotation ellipsoid can describe the shape of theacetabulum better.
This project is supported by China Post Doctor Science Foundation
Shanghai Jiaotong University-Shanghai Second Medical University Cooperation Foundation.