
Fault location of two-parallel transmission line for double phase-to-earth fault using one-terminal data

Fault location of two-parallel transmission line for double phase-to-earth fa ult using one-terminal data
摘要 An accurate algorithm for fault location of double phase-to-earth fault on transmission line of direct ground neutral system is presented. The algorithm, which employs the faulted phase network and zero-sequence network as fault-location model in which the source impedance at the remote end is not involved, ef-fectively eliminates the effect of load flow and fault resistance on the accuracy of fault location. The algorithm achieves accurate location by measuring only one local end data and is used in a procedure that provides automatic determination of faulted types and phases, and does not require the engineer to specify them. Simulation results showed the effectiveness of the algorithm under the condition of double phase-to-earth fault. An accurate algorithm for fault location of double phase-to-earth fault on transmission line of direct ground neutral system is presented. The algorithm,which employs the faulted phase network and zero-sequence network as fault-location model in which the source impedance at the remote end is not involved,effectively eliminates the effect of load flow and fault resistance on the accuracy of fault location. The algorithm achieves accurate location by measuring only one local end data and is used in a procedure that provides automatic determination of faulted types and phases,and does not require the engineer to specify them. Simulation results showed the effectiveness of the algorithm under the condition of double phase-to-earth fault.
出处 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2003年第5期520-525,共6页 浙江大学学报(自然科学英文版)
关键词 Fault location Transmission line Double phas e-to-earth fault 输电线路 故障定位 两相接地故障 终端数据 电力系统
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