
济宁市1981~2000年儿童肠道原虫感染情况分析 被引量:2

Analysis of the infectious status of children with intestinal protozoa during 1981~2000 in Jining City
摘要 目的 通过分析肠道原虫感染资料 ,了解济市宁儿童肠道原虫感染现状 ,探讨肠道原虫感染率的变化趋势。 方法 采用回顾性研究方法 ,数据统计处理采用计算相对比和x2 检验分析。 结果  (1) 10 8795例受检者中 ,肠道原虫感染 892 0例 ,感染率为 8 2 1% ;(2 )共发现肠道原虫 8种 ,其中蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫、人毛滴虫、结肠内阿米巴、溶组织内阿米巴为主要感染虫种 ,占原虫总感染人数的 96 0 6% ,其感染率依次为 5 15 %、1 2 5 %、0 9%、0 5 % ;(3 )肠道原虫感染率总体呈逐年递增趋势 ,由 1981~ 1982年的 5 3 1%增至 1999~ 2 0 0 0年的 12 2 % ,其中蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫增幅最大 ,结肠内阿米巴和溶组织内阿米巴次之 ,但近 5年来递增速度明显变缓 ,并且原虫多重感染的数量明显减少 ;(4 )肠道原虫感染率夏秋季明显高于冬春季。 结论 肠道原虫感染率呈逐年递增趋势 ,虽近年来增势趋缓 ,但感染率仍居高不下。 Objective To understand the infective status of intestinal protozoon and predict the trend of variation of infective rate by analysis of the infection data Methods The infection rate was studied through retrospective survey and the data was analyzed with x 2 test Results (1)8 920 cases of intestinal protozoon infection were detected out of 108 795 cases of outpatients, and the infective rate was 8 21% (2)Eight spcies of parasites were detected,Giardia lanblia, Trichomonas hominis, Entamoeba coli and Entamoeba histolytica were the major infective parasites accounted for 96 06% of the total infections with the infective rate of 5 15%,1 25%,0 97% and 0 51%,respectively (3)The rate of intestinal infection had an increasing trend year by year,from 5 31% in 1981 and 1982 to 12 26% in 1999 and 2000 Giardia lanblia had the highest increasing extent of infective rate, Entamoeba coli and Entamoeba histolytica took the second place, but the increasing rate was slowed down in recent five years and multiple infection of protozoon was descended obviously (4)The rate of intestinal protozoon infection in summer and autumn was higher than that in winter and spring Conclusion The rate of intestinal protozoon infection had an increasing trend year by year,the infective rate was still very high though with a descending trend
出处 《中国热带医学》 CAS 2003年第6期758-760,共3页 China Tropical Medicine
关键词 济宁市 儿童 肠道原虫感染 流行病学 Intestinal protozoan Infection rate Trend of variation Seasonal distribution Jining City
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