简述了我国易腐食品的生产及市场需求,介绍了铁路易腐货物运输的现状,对 易腐货物运输市场的发展趋势包括运输市场发展空间、运输格局、货品结构、运输市场对 铁路冷藏运输工具和运输组织的新要求等进行了分析。
The paper gives a brief account about the production and market demands of the perishabie foodstuffs jn China, introduces the current situation of the railway perishabie freight transport and makes the analyses on the development trend of the perishabie freight transport market including the new requirements to the means and the traffic organization of the railway refrigerated transport from the transport market development space, the transport patterns, the freight structure and the transport market.
Railway Freight Transport