对宁夏吴忠市利通区 4个奶牛场和 10户农户奶牛产奶期微量元素锰、锌、硒营养状况进行调查 ,分别测定了盛乳期、产奶中期、产奶后期奶牛血清硒 ,被毛锰、锌的含量和血清中谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶的活性。结果表明 :产奶各期小户、大户和中户奶牛 ( 1)被毛锰低于正常范围 ,示饲料中缺锰 ,小户奶牛缺乏较严重 ,均不能满足需要量。各期各户奶牛被毛锌含量变化范围较小 ,均在正常范围之内 ,混合饲料中的锌基本适宜 ,饲喂状况良好。各期日粮硒含量中户最适宜 ,硒代谢正常 ;其次为中户 ( 2 )与散户 ,均在正常范围之内 ;小户与大户奶牛血硒指标偏低 ,均在缺硒范围之内 。
The serum selenium(Se),glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), manganese(Mn) and zinc (Zn) in hairs of seventy-five Holstein lactation period cows were determined in Litong area of Ningsia hui autonomous region. The results showed that the Mn content of the hairs is lower than that of normal level,the Zn content of the hairs is normal,the Se content in serum is lower in farm holding of raising 10~20 &100~250 dairy cows, the Mn of the diet of dairy cows is short of supplies in farm holding of raising10~20, 50~80, 100~250 dairy cows, the Zn of the diet of dairy cows is adequate in all farm raising dairy cows,the Se of the diet of dairy cows is short of supplies in farm holding of raising 10~20 and 100~250 dairy cows.
Journal of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine