加强 R& D项目管理对于提高企业的创新能力和获取持续竞争优势具有十分重要的意义。本文首先对 Rod Coombs等人提出的 R& D项目管理审计模型进行了改进 ,提出 R& D项目管理多阶段交互模式 ,此模式是以获取持续竞争优势为目的的核心能力的培育和提高。然后分析了这些模式并进行实证研究。最后 ,指出不同目标和环境下的 R& D项目管理应遵循不同模式 ,并且要从长远的角度对这些模式进行权衡、匹配和整合。
Strengthening R&D project management plays increasingly important role in enhancing innovative capabilities and obtaining sustainable competitive advantage of corporation. This paper improves the R&D project management audit framework provided by Rod Coombs et al.,and develops a multistage interactive pattern of R&D project management based on cultivation and enhancement of core competences for obtaining sustainable competitive advantage of corporation. Then these patterns are analyzed and studied empirically. At the end,this paper indicates that there is good sound reason to pay attention to the different objectives involved in different types of R&D projects and to apply correspondingly appropriate R&D project management patterns and align them on the long run.
R&D Management
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