利用文献计量学的统计分析方法,对(《温州师范学院学报(自然科学版)》1998-2002 年的载文量、引文量、引文类型、引文语种、引文年代等数据以及论文作者的合作情况进行统计分 析,并计算出普赖斯指数.对进一步提高学报的质量提出一些建议.
On the basis of the literature cited in the journal of Wenzhou Normal College (Natural Science Edition) from 1998 to 2002, using the statistics methods of biblimetrics, the analyses number of citation, language kind and type of citation, years of citation, the Price index and author cooperation are obtain. At last, some advice of improving Journal's quality is put forward.
Journal of Wenzhou Teachers College(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)