目的:对比NP方案和MVP方案治疗晚期NSCLC的疗效.方法:63例首次化疗的晚期NSCLC病人,依住院的先后顺序随机分为NP组和MVP组.NP方案:NVB25~30mg/m^2d1、d5iv,PDD 50mg d2、d3 iv drop.MVP方案:MMC6mg/m^2 d_1 iv,VDS 3mg/m^2 d1、d8 iv drop,PDD用法同NP方案.21天为一周期,满二个周期者进行疗效评估.结果:NP组有效率为51.5%(17/33),其中3例达到完全缓解;MVP组有效率为46.67%(14/30),两组疗效差异无显著意义(P>0.05).副作用均主要为骨髓抑制,NP组所致骨髓抑制多为Ⅲ度,两组间有显著差异(P<0.05).结论:NP方案和MVP方案可做为晚期NSCLC的一线化疗方案.
Objective:To evaluate the curative effects of NP(NVB+ PDD) regimen and MVP (MMC + VDS + PDD) regimen on advanced non - small cell lung cancer. Methods:63 cases of advanced non - small cell lung cancer who firstly received chemothera-py were randomly divided into two groups. NP regimen consisted of NVB 25~30mg/m2(dl?d5 iv drop), PDD 50mg(d2?d3 iv drop) . MVP regimen consisted of MMC 6mg/m2(d1 iv), VDS 3mg/m2(dl ?d8 iv drop), PDD 50mg(d2?d3 iv drop), every 3 weeks for at least two cycles. Results: 33 cases were treated with NP regimen, 30 cases with MVP regimen. The results showed that the re-sponse rates of NP regimen and MVP regimen were 51.5% (17/33) and 46.67(14/30) respectively. There was no statistical signifi-cant difference between them (P>0.05) . In NP group, there were 3 cases showing complete remission. The main toxicity were myelosuppressian. The NP regimen was more seroius than MVP regimen. The NP regimen mainly caused the third degree of myelo-suppression. There was statistical significant difference(P<0.05). Conclusion: It is concluded that both NP regimen and MVP regi-men may be used as first - line regimens for the treatment of advanced non - small cell lung cancer.
Chinese Clinical Oncology