
Research on Modular Manufacture Strategy under New Economic Circumstance

Research on Modular Manufacture Strategy under New Economic Circumstance
摘要 Modularity can simplify the process of complex product design and manufacture effectively,and it can also optimize the supply resource to satisfy the customization needs of customers,which has aroused more and more awareness of people both in management theory research and in enterprise practice recently. In the article,we analyze the difficulty of complex product manufacture,introduce the idea of modular manufacture and research the basic content of modular manufacture strategy. Meanwhile,the significance of modular manufacture strategy to build up core competition and fast innovation for the manufacture industry are studied. At last,we discuss the necessity of building modular manufacture strategy and its modes and process. The studies demonstrate that based on modular manufacture is crucial to establish enterprise strategy and optimize enterprise competence. Modularity can simplify the process of complex product design and manufacture effectively,and it can also optimize the supply resource to satisfy the customization needs of customers,which has aroused more and more awareness of people both in management theory research and in enterprise practice recently. In the article,we analyze the difficulty of complex product manufacture,introduce the idea of modular manufacture and research the basic content of modular manufacture strategy. Meanwhile,the significance of modular manufacture strategy to build up core competition and fast innovation for the manufacture industry are studied. At last,we discuss the necessity of building modular manufacture strategy and its modes and process. The studies demonstrate that based on modular manufacture is crucial to establish enterprise strategy and optimize enterprise competence.
出处 《武汉理工大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第S1期349-354,共6页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology
关键词 MANUFACTURE industry MANUFACTURE STRATEGY MODULARITY NEW ECONOMIC circumstance value CHAIN manufacture industry manufacture strategy modularity new economic circumstance value chain
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