

Active Matrix OLED Displays Using Simple Poly-si TFT Process
摘要 我们提出并开发了一种先进的6步光掩模工艺,可用于制备有源矩阵有机发光二极管(AMOLED)中p型沟道多晶硅薄膜晶体管(TFT)面板。通过去除电源线(Vdd)和触排(bank)光处理工艺,将8步掩模简化至6步。通过6步光掩模工艺制备的p型沟道TFT,场效应迁移率可达80cm2/Vsec,亚阈值(sub-threshold)电压波动降至0.3V/dec,阈值电压约为-2V。利用6步光掩模工艺成功地获得了采用电压驱动方式的7英寸WVGA(720×480)AMOLED面板。 We have suggested and developed a novel 6 photo-marsk process for the p-channel poly-Si thin film transistor (TFT) panel fabrication of active matrix organic light-emitting diode (AMOLED). By removing power line (Vdd) and bank photo process, we simplified the fabrication process from 8 to 6 mask steps. The p-channel TFT fabricated by the 6 photo-mask pgocess had a field effect mobility of ~80 cm2/Vsec, asub-threshold voltage swing of ~0.3 V/dec., and a threshold voltage of ^-2V. Using the 6 photo-marsk process, we hav successfully realized a 7inch WVGA (720×480) AMOLED panel, which is controlled by the voltage driving method.
出处 《现代显示》 2003年第6期20-23,共4页 Advanced Display
关键词 光掩模 AMOLED 有源矩阵有机发光二极管 多晶硅薄膜晶体管 TFT photo-marsk process AMOLED p-channel TFT
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