
有关深部地质填图和立体地质填图的几个问题 被引量:5

Problems concerning deep geological mapping and geological stereomapping
摘要 大多数20世纪下半叶建立的矿山,资源已近枯竭或出现了资源危机,都需要寻找接续资源。为此提出在成矿远景好的地区有计划地开展“深部地质填图”和“立体地质填图”的设想。“深部地质填图”是找寻隐伏矿和半隐伏矿的深部地质研究的战略性工作,“立体地质填图”则是其战术性工作。两者既有联系又有区别。前者是为了寻找隐伏矿、半隐伏矿的“靶区”,或为“靶区”提供背景地质资料;后者是为了找到“新矿体”、“新矿层”,扩大矿床规模和矿山远景。“深部地质填图”要采用地质、物探、化探及少量钻探等综合手段,提交比例尺不小于1∶5万的地表地质图和深部地质图;“立体地质填图”主要是按一定间距(100~200m)进行钻探,结合物探剖面,发现新矿体,提交立体地质图。当前应全面开展资源危机矿山外围的“深部地质填图”,积极慎重地进行“立体地质填图”试点,并将此项工作作为一项独立的地质工作纳入地质调查之中。 Resources in most mines constructed in the late half of the20th century are nearly exhausted and a crisis of resources has appeared,which calls for looking for substitute resources and mineral resources.Therefore,the authors propose that deep geological mapping and geological stereomapping be carried out in a planned way in areas with good ore prospects.Deep geological mapping is strategic work for looking for hidden and semi-hidden mineral deposits,and geological stereomapping is its tactical work,both of which are connected and different.The former aims to look for target areas of hidden and semi-hidden mineral deposits or provide background geological data for target areas;whereas the latter aims to look for new orebodies or new ore horizons and expand the size of deposits and prospects of mines.For deep ge-ological mapping,integrated means ,including geological,geophysical and geochemical means and some drilling work,should be used and the surface geological map and deep geological map on a scale not smaller than1∶50000submitted.For geological stereomapping,the work mainly includes drilling at certain intervals(100-200m),coupled with geophysical profiles,and new orebodies will be found and stere-omaps will be submitted.At present we should comprehensively carry out deep geological mapping in sur-rounding areas of mines facing a crisis in mineral resources,actively and prudently conduct geological stere-omapping in selected areas and incorporate this work as an independent geological job into geological sur-vey.
出处 《地质通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第11期984-990,共7页 Geological Bulletin of China
关键词 深部地质填图 立体地质填图 资源危机 接续资源 deep geological mapping geological stereomapping crisis in resources substitute resources
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