Measurements of film hole discharge coefficients (Cd) in an internal p assage with rib turbulators and film holes were presented. The internal passage was rectangular channel with two opposite ribbed wall, the aspect ratio was 1.0, and the rib turbulators were staggered arranged on the two wider walls. The cyl indrical film holes were 45° inclined and perpendicular oriented and were place d on one ribbed wall. Tests were run at rib tubulators′ orientation as 60°, Re ynolds numbers (Re) changing from20 000 to 80 000 and suction ratios (SR) changing from 0.30 to 0.60. Influences of rib tuburlators, main stream Reynolds number and suction ratio on Cd were stu died. Numerical simulation was also undertaken. This study can be useful in turb ine blade cooling design.
Gas Turbine Experiment and Research