目的观察不同部位皮肤血管结构和形态差异,研究年龄对真皮微循环功能的影响。方法采用活体电视毛细血管镜 (IntravitalVideo-capillaroscopy)和激光多谱勒血流仪(laserDopplerflowmetry)对50名年龄在20~74岁 ,光皮肤类型为II~III型白人女性志愿者的前额、眼角、前臂内侧和手背血管作初步观察。并用计算机图象处理技术 ,对前臂和手背活体真皮血管密度作定量分析。结果真皮乳头毛细血管襻在活体电视毛细血管镜下为点状或逗点状 ;乳头下的血管丛表现为线条状或网状 ;年轻人皮肤血管排列整齐 ,年龄较大者血管扩张增粗、扭曲 ,排列不规则。年龄与襻状血管数、襻状血管面积显著负相关 ;与襻状血管间距、平行血管总长正相关 ;真皮血流量面部高于肢端 ;随年龄的增加真皮血流有逐渐增加趋势。结论年龄影响真皮微循环的形态和功能。两种无创性检测技术联合应用能动态研究活体真皮血管的形态和结构 ,在皮肤血管性疾病的诊断和治疗方面有较高的应用前景。
Objective To evaluate the difference of the morphology and the structure in different anatomic sites and investigate quantitatively the changes of the cutaneous microcirculation in vivo with aging.Methods The dermatic microcirculation was studied on4sites(forehead,left crow's feet,left flexure of forearm,left back of hand)in50female volunteers with photo-type II~III,aged20~74years old by means of videocapillaroscopy and laser Doppler flowmetry.The images in the zones of inner forearm and back of hand were analysed by the special soft-ware.Results There was a negative correlation between aging and the capillary number as well as the surface of the capillaries,but a positive relationship between aging and the length of plexus as well as the distance inter cap-illary loops.The blood flux in the facial zone was higher than that in the arm and the blood flux was increased gradually with aging.Conclusions This study shows that the structure and function of cutaneous microcirculation was affected by the age and there are numerous possible prospects of videocapillaroscopy and laser Doppler flowme-try in dermatological research and particularly in the assessment of the dynamic effects of vasoactive products on cutaneous microcirculation.
Journal of Chinese Microcirculation