《庄暴见孟子》“臣请为王言乐”中的“乐” ,1987年之前的统编教材注为“音乐”的“乐” ,之后的教材却注为“快乐”的“乐”。但细推原文 ,细推《孟子》 ,细推孟子及齐宣王的言谈举止 ,细推儒学有关“乐”(Yu埁)的著作 ,细推齐宣王时代以及其前其后有关田猎的历史文献和文学描写 ,我们仍然觉得 ,这句话中的“乐”还是以理解为“音乐”的“乐”为好。这样 ,原文的内容就仍旧是深刻而丰富的 ,而不像现在的教材所理解的那样 ,变得肤浅 ,贫乏 。
The word “yuè”in “I'd like to say ‘yuè’ for the king”quoted from the book “Zhuangbao Meets Mengzi” was understood as “yuè” in the textbooks published before 1987 and as “lè” afterwards. Yet upon carefully reading the related literary works and historical documents in various periods including the ancient work of “Mengzi”, we suggest it is advisable to read the word as “yuè” to keep the original meaning substantial and meaningful instead of the barren and superficial meaning explained in the present textbooks.