研究了双向 BUCK/ BOOST变换器 ,指出通过合理设计电感与死区时间 ,可以使开关管零电压开通 ,并且其体二极管也是自然导通、关断 ,而无反向恢复问题 ,从而大大降低功率损耗。给出双向变换器两端稳压的控制方案 ,根据功率流的方向 ,自动选择工作在 BUCK状态或是 BOOST状态。该控制方案简单易实现 ,并能直接应用于其它需两端稳压的双向变换器。最后给出了 2 4V/ 48V双向 BUCK/ BOOST变换器设计实例。设计结果表明 ,该变换器不仅体积小 ,重量轻 ,而且无论工作在 BUCK状态还是工作在 BOOST状态 ,均获得很高的效率。
A soft-switching bi-directional Buck/Boost converter is presented. By a reasonable design of the power stage inductor and dead time, zero-voltage-switching of both switches is obtained, and the MOSFET body diodes are naturally turned on and off without the reverse recovery problem, so that the power dissipation is significantly reduced. A dual voltage control method for a bi-directional DC/DC converter is proposed. According to the direction of the power flow, the converter can automatically work in Buck mode or Boost mode. The method is simple and easy to be realized, and can also be directly applied to other bi-directional DC/DC converters which need the dual voltage control. Finally a design example of a 24 V/48 V bi-directional Buck/Boost converter is offered. The converter has a small volume and light weight. Experimental results show that the converter has a high efficiency both working in Buck mode and Boost mode.
Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics