

Unscrambling Death——Preliminary Analysis on Death Awareness in Liaozhai Tales
摘要 死亡是人类永恒的归宿 ,面对死亡的恐惧是人类的共性。然而 ,人不能因为死而放弃生 ,抗争成为人类历史前进的原动力。生命的意义何在 ?如何使有限的生命得以延续 ,成为中国文人一直关注、一直探索的问题 ,蒲松龄以其优美动人的聊斋故事延续了生命的意义 ,超越了死亡 。 Although death is the invariable end-result of human beings, it has been human nature to fear death. However, man cannot give up life because of death, and str iving has been the motives of human historical progress. What is the meaning of life? How to keep the limited life on? These have been issues concerned and expl ored by Chinas scholars. Pu Songling expanded his meaning of life beyond death for eternity by his exquisite and touching Liaozhai Tales.
作者 冀爱莲
出处 《太原师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第4期59-61,共3页 Journal of Taiyuan Normal University:Social Science Edition
关键词 《聊斋志异》 死亡意识 蒲松龄 人生价值观 悲剧意识 Liaozhai Tales death fear striving meaning of life
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