20世纪 50年代教条主义、文化虚无主义的刺激及“双百”方针的鼓舞 ,是“抽象继承法”得以问世的历史诱因 ;“旧邦新命”的文化信念、“阐旧邦以辅新命”的学术理想 ,是“抽象继承法”得以萌生的精神动因 ;“旧瓶装新酒”的治学方法与“别共殊”的思维方式 ,是“抽象继承法”得以生成的思想渊源。迄今为止尚未引起学术界注意的“思想的普遍性形式”说、“具体共相”说及蕴含于“抽象继承法”问题中的传统与语言的关系问题 。
inherit' to come into being. The cultural faith of 'using old country for favoring appointment' and the academic thought of 'serve the favoring appointment with the old country' are the spiritual impetus for its generation. The means for pursuing studies of 'use old bottles for new wine' and the thinking manner of 'distinguishing universality from particularity' are sources of its thinking. The theory of 'universal form of thinking', the theory of 'drawing universality from particularity' and the relation of the tradition contained in the 'method of abstract inherit' and the language shall be attempted firstly in this paper.
Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences