“书院”始于唐代 ,经过五代、北宋的发展 ,至南宋达到鼎盛时期。江万里肄业于白鹿洞书院 ,又入太学上舍深造。进士及第后 ,历任州、府、路和中央部院长官 ,直至左丞相兼枢密使 ,其间任过教授、国子监祭酒、侍读、侍讲和书院山长 ,对官学和书院教育有深厚的实践经验。江万里在南宋书院发展历史上的主要贡献是 :( 1 )以白鹿洞书院为楷模 ,创办了“白鹭洲书院”、“宗濂精舍”、“道源书院”等全国一流书院 ;( 2 )大力提倡教育兴国 ,为国家培养了大批栋梁之才。仅吉州继文天祥后 ,又有 1 7名学子荣登进士科状元 ,至明清共有 2 72 8名学子进士及第 ,故吉州享誉“南宋进士的摇篮”。江万里十分重视书院教育 ,并为我们留下了可贵的历史借鉴 :( 1 )重视思想教育 ,是南宋书院教学的灵魂 ;( 2 )提倡学术研究 。
Academy of classical learning, originating in the Tang Dynasty and developing in the Five Dynasties period through the Northen Song Dynasty, reached its heyday in the Southern Song Dynasty. Mr. Jiang Wanli, after studying in Bailudong Academy, furthered his studies at the Imperial College. Having become jinshi (a successful candidate in the highest imperial examination), he was appointed as senior official of the local and central governments, Vice Prime Minister and Military Affairs Commissioner. Meanwhile, he served as head or instructor of the local Confucian school and the Princely Establishment, chancellor of the Imperial College, Emperor's lecturer and dean of the academy. Therefore, he was practically experienced in palace school education and academy education. His major contributions to the development of Southern Song academies include the founding of China's three leading academies (Bailuzhou, Zonglian Jingshe, and Daoyuan) and the promotion of education to make China strong. For example, Jizhou Prefecture known as the cradle of jinshi's in the Southern Song Dynasty, which had produced 2 728 jinshi's by the Qing Dynasty. There is a lot to learn from Jiang Wanli, notably two points as follows: (1) To attach importance to political and ideological education is the soul of the academy education in the Southern Song Dynasty. Bailuzhou Academy clearly defined the aim and requirements of its education, laying down the principles and norms concerning academic pursuit and the conduct of students. He emphasized that students should be aspiring and upright. (2) Academic research is advocated to ensure the proper training of students and academic production. He promoted the doctrine of Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi, regarded as one of the schools of Confucianism in the Southern Song Dynasty, which actually featured the combination of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. Moreover, he paid due attention to the practical knowledge of managing state affairs, from which he tried to learn to explore the path of saving the country. He believed that the Cheng-Zhu doctrine was bound to prevail over desire, while opposing the academic education just for the sake of imperial examinations and advocating the development of scholar-type students.
Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
academy of classical learning
study (school)
Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song Dynasty
memorial hall
jinshi course
Jiang Wanli
Zhu Xi
the Southern Song Dynasty