
“城归”精英与村庄政治 被引量:46

The City Returns Elite and Village Politics
摘要 精英结构是研究中国乡村政治结构一个不可或缺的侧面。超越乡村视野的“城归”精英返村参与村政 ,在中国农村是一个新的现象 ,有其必然性。本文结合实例 ,对“城归”精英参与村政的利弊得失进行剖析 ,认为在“城归”精英治理实践中累积起来的治理经验 ,客观上有利于加快原有乡村治理模式向法理型治理模式的转型 ,但亦存在不同程度的局限 ,其本身也仍处于与乡村社会的不断磨合与互动之中。进一步整合其优势 ,并将之逐步纳入规范化、法理型治理轨道 ,也许是乡村政治民主化努力的一条可取之路。 The elite construction is a necessary aspect in researching the rural political construction in China . The city returns, whose sight is further coming back to attend the rural politics, a new phenomenon, is inevitable. Combining the facts, the article analyzes the objective and subjective effect of the return's politic-participation. The experience, accumulated in the practice of the 'returns', is assumed to be helpful for the transformation from the original system to legal and theoretical system, even with the limits. Meanwhile, the elites are also in the process of harmonizing with the rural society. Further integrating its advantages, combining to bring into it to norms and gradually to the legal theory type management, is advisable for country political democratization.
出处 《福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2004年第3期23-28,共6页 Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 福建省社会科学研究"十五"规划课题 (项目编号 :2 0 0 3B0 2 5 )
关键词 “城归”精英 村民自治 民主建设 法理型治理 the city returns elite villagers' self-governance democracy developments iegal theory type management
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