Stomachache is one of the most common diseases of digestive system, among which stomach pain of deficiency cold of spleen and stomach is the most common. Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy as an external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine for relieving stomach pain due to deficiency of spleen and stomach, has the advantages of convenient operation, small adverse reactions and remarkable curative effect, which is easy for patients to accept. In this paper, acupuncture and moxibustion therapy such as moxibustion and warm acupuncture therapy for stomach pain of spleen and stomach deficiency cold type is summarized to provide evidence-based basis for clinical treatment of stomach pain of spleen and stomach deficiency cold type.
Stomachache is one of the most common diseases of digestive system, among which stomach pain of deficiency cold of spleen and stomach is the most common. Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy as an external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine for relieving stomach pain due to deficiency of spleen and stomach, has the advantages of convenient operation, small adverse reactions and remarkable curative effect, which is easy for patients to accept. In this paper, acupuncture and moxibustion therapy such as moxibustion and warm acupuncture therapy for stomach pain of spleen and stomach deficiency cold type is summarized to provide evidence-based basis for clinical treatment of stomach pain of spleen and stomach deficiency cold type.
Qiulu Nie
Qiulu Nie(College of Medical, Qinghai University, Xining China)