Erectile dysfunction was one of the most common complications in diabetic patients. According to several studies, its prevalence was two to three times higher in diabetics than in the general population. But it has often been overlooked despite the fact that it seriously affects the quality of life. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of erectile dysfunction and its associated factors in diabetics’ patients. This was a cross-sectional analysis study of 76 male diabetic patients who consulted by the Department of Endocrinology from June 22, 2019 to September 25, 2019. Erectile dysfunction was diagnosed by calculating the IIEF score. Statistical comparisons were made between patients without and with Erectile dysfunction chi-square test with a significance level p Conclusion: This study showed a high prevalence of erectile dysfunction in diabetics. Significant concomitant factors were hypertension, diabetes imbalance and the duration of diabetes. It was, therefore, important to include systematic screening for erectile dysfunction at least annually, as well as other complications of diabetes.
Erectile dysfunction was one of the most common complications in diabetic patients. According to several studies, its prevalence was two to three times higher in diabetics than in the general population. But it has often been overlooked despite the fact that it seriously affects the quality of life. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of erectile dysfunction and its associated factors in diabetics’ patients. This was a cross-sectional analysis study of 76 male diabetic patients who consulted by the Department of Endocrinology from June 22, 2019 to September 25, 2019. Erectile dysfunction was diagnosed by calculating the IIEF score. Statistical comparisons were made between patients without and with Erectile dysfunction chi-square test with a significance level p Conclusion: This study showed a high prevalence of erectile dysfunction in diabetics. Significant concomitant factors were hypertension, diabetes imbalance and the duration of diabetes. It was, therefore, important to include systematic screening for erectile dysfunction at least annually, as well as other complications of diabetes.