In the articles “Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation Explained by the Theory of Informatons” and “The Gravitational Interaction between Moving Mass Particles Explained by the Theory of Informatons” the gravitational interaction has been explained by the hypothesis that information carried by informatons is the substance of gravitational fields, i.e. the medium that the interaction in question makes possible. From the idea that “information carried by informatons” is its substance, it has been deduced that—on the macroscopic level—a gravitational field manifests itself as a dual entity, always having a field- and an induction component (Egand Bg) simultaneously created by their common sources. In this article we will mathematically deduce the Maxwell-Heaviside equations from the kinematics of the informatons. These relations describe on the macroscopic level how a gravitational field (Eg, Bg) is generated by whether or not moving masses and how spatial and temporal changes of Egand Bgare related. We show that there is no causal link between Egand Bg.
In the articles “Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation Explained by the Theory of Informatons” and “The Gravitational Interaction between Moving Mass Particles Explained by the Theory of Informatons” the gravitational interaction has been explained by the hypothesis that information carried by informatons is the substance of gravitational fields, i.e. the medium that the interaction in question makes possible. From the idea that “information carried by informatons” is its substance, it has been deduced that—on the macroscopic level—a gravitational field manifests itself as a dual entity, always having a field- and an induction component (Egand Bg) simultaneously created by their common sources. In this article we will mathematically deduce the Maxwell-Heaviside equations from the kinematics of the informatons. These relations describe on the macroscopic level how a gravitational field (Eg, Bg) is generated by whether or not moving masses and how spatial and temporal changes of Egand Bgare related. We show that there is no causal link between Egand Bg.
Antoine Acke
Antoine Acke(Retired Professor Kaho Sint-Lieven, Now KU Leuven, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Ghent Campus, Belgium)