This paper develops the Dark Matter by Quantum Gravitation theory, DMbQG theory hereafter, in clusters of galaxies in the cosmologic model ΛCDM of the Universe. Originally this theory was developed by the author for galaxies, especially using MW and M31 rotation curves. An important result got by the DMbQG theory is that the total mass associated to a galactic halo depend on the square root of radius, being its dominion unbounded. Apparently, this result would be absurd because of divergence of the total mass. As the DE is negligible at galactic scale, it is needed to extend the theory to clusters in order to study the capacity of DE to counterbalance to DM. Thanks this property, the DMbQG theory finds unexpected theoretical results. In this work, it is defined, the total mass as baryonic matter plus DM and the gravitating mass as the addition of the total mass plus the negative mass associated to dark energy. In clusters it is defined the zero gravity radius (RZG hereafter) as the radius needed by the dark energy to counterbalance the total mass. It has been found that the ratio RZG/RVIRIAL ≈ 7.3 and its Total mass associated at RZG is ≈2.7 MVIRIAL. In addition, it has been calculated that the sphere with the extended halo radius RE = 1.85 RZG has a ratio DM density versus DE density equal to 3/7 and its total mass associated at RE is ≈3.6 MVIRIAL. This works postulates that the factor 3.6 may equilibrate perfectly the strong imbalance between the Local mater density parameter (0.08) versus the current Global matter density one (0.3). Currently, this fact is a big conundrum in cosmology, see chapter 7. Also it has been found that the zero velocity radius, RZV hereafter, i.e. the cluster border because of the Hubble flow, is ≈0.6 RZG and its gravitating mass is ≈ 1.5 MVIR. By derivation of gravitating mass function, it is calculated that at 0.49 RZG, this function reaches its maximum whose value is ≈1.57 MVIR. Throughout the paper, some of these results have been validated with recent data published for the Virgo cluster. As Virgo is the nearest big cluster, it is the perfect benchmark to validate any new theory about DM and DE. These new theoretical findings offer to scientific community a wide number of tests to validate or reject the theory. The validation of DMbQG theory would mean to know the nature of DM that at the present, it is an important challenge for the astrophysics science.
This paper develops the Dark Matter by Quantum Gravitation theory, DMbQG theory hereafter, in clusters of galaxies in the cosmologic model ΛCDM of the Universe. Originally this theory was developed by the author for galaxies, especially using MW and M31 rotation curves. An important result got by the DMbQG theory is that the total mass associated to a galactic halo depend on the square root of radius, being its dominion unbounded. Apparently, this result would be absurd because of divergence of the total mass. As the DE is negligible at galactic scale, it is needed to extend the theory to clusters in order to study the capacity of DE to counterbalance to DM. Thanks this property, the DMbQG theory finds unexpected theoretical results. In this work, it is defined, the total mass as baryonic matter plus DM and the gravitating mass as the addition of the total mass plus the negative mass associated to dark energy. In clusters it is defined the zero gravity radius (RZG hereafter) as the radius needed by the dark energy to counterbalance the total mass. It has been found that the ratio RZG/RVIRIAL ≈ 7.3 and its Total mass associated at RZG is ≈2.7 MVIRIAL. In addition, it has been calculated that the sphere with the extended halo radius RE = 1.85 RZG has a ratio DM density versus DE density equal to 3/7 and its total mass associated at RE is ≈3.6 MVIRIAL. This works postulates that the factor 3.6 may equilibrate perfectly the strong imbalance between the Local mater density parameter (0.08) versus the current Global matter density one (0.3). Currently, this fact is a big conundrum in cosmology, see chapter 7. Also it has been found that the zero velocity radius, RZV hereafter, i.e. the cluster border because of the Hubble flow, is ≈0.6 RZG and its gravitating mass is ≈ 1.5 MVIR. By derivation of gravitating mass function, it is calculated that at 0.49 RZG, this function reaches its maximum whose value is ≈1.57 MVIR. Throughout the paper, some of these results have been validated with recent data published for the Virgo cluster. As Virgo is the nearest big cluster, it is the perfect benchmark to validate any new theory about DM and DE. These new theoretical findings offer to scientific community a wide number of tests to validate or reject the theory. The validation of DMbQG theory would mean to know the nature of DM that at the present, it is an important challenge for the astrophysics science.
Manuel Abarca
Manuel Abarca(Independent Researcher, Granada, Spain)