
Some Indicators of the Water Regime in Some Varieties Belonging to the Monarda didyma L. Genus in the Conditions of Tashkent (Uzbekistan)

Some Indicators of the Water Regime in Some Varieties Belonging to the Monarda didyma L. Genus in the Conditions of Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
摘要 In this article, the names of 3 varieties of Monarda didyma L., which are considered to be introduced species, some indicators of the water regime in the climatic conditions of Uzbekistan: the amount of water in the leaves, water deficit, water storage capacity were studied in spring and summer, and seasonal changes were determined. According to these indicators of the water regime, the studied varieties belong to the labile water regime, high green mass (centner), seed yield (how many grams), resistance to diseases and pests have been determined, which shows that it is promising for introduction in the conditions of our republic. Therefore, it is recommended to breed these varieties in the foothills and hilly regions of Uzbekistan, where the amount of precipitation is more than 400 - 500 mm. In this article, the names of 3 varieties of Monarda didyma L., which are considered to be introduced species, some indicators of the water regime in the climatic conditions of Uzbekistan: the amount of water in the leaves, water deficit, water storage capacity were studied in spring and summer, and seasonal changes were determined. According to these indicators of the water regime, the studied varieties belong to the labile water regime, high green mass (centner), seed yield (how many grams), resistance to diseases and pests have been determined, which shows that it is promising for introduction in the conditions of our republic. Therefore, it is recommended to breed these varieties in the foothills and hilly regions of Uzbekistan, where the amount of precipitation is more than 400 - 500 mm.
作者 Mamadalieva Vakhobjon Kizi Madina Rakhimova Tashkhanim Mamadalieva Vakhobjon Kizi Madina;Rakhimova Tashkhanim(Physiology of Plant and Botany Department, Biology Faculty, National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent, Uzbekistan;Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
出处 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 CAS 2024年第5期374-386,共13页 美国植物学期刊(英文)
关键词 Uzbekistan Tashkent Monarda didyma Bergama Jar-Ptitsa Cambridge Scarlet Water Regime Water Quantity Water Shortage Water Storage Capacity Labile Uzbekistan Tashkent Monarda didyma Bergama Jar-Ptitsa Cambridge Scarlet Water Regime Water Quantity Water Shortage Water Storage Capacity Labile
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