This paper deals with the evaluation of the Coefficient of Performance (COP) of solar adsorption refrigeration. In the literature, simulation models to predict the thermal behaviour and the coefficient of performance of these systems are uncommon. This is why we suggest a model to simulate the operation of the machine in a typical hot and dry climate of the city of Ouagadougou. The objective is to provide a model for calculating the COP from the measurement of the ambient temperature and the irradiation of a given site. Starting from mathematical modelling, a resolution and simulation were made with COMSOL software based on the Dubinin-Astakhov adsorption model, the heat transfer balance equations, and the Linear Driving Force (LDF) model to describe the thermal behaviour of the system. A one-week measurement sequence on the adsorption solar refrigerator at the Albert Schweitzer Ecological Centre (CEAS) validated the numerical results. The measurement shows that for the days with high sunshine, the temperature of the reaction medium reaches 110°C, and the pressure reaches 500 mbar. This leads to a production of cold that allows it to reach the temperature of -5°C at the evaporator. Under these conditions, the COP is worth 14%. These results are obtained both by numerical simulation using the COMSOL 5.1 software and after a measurement session on the solar refrigerator available to the CEAS. We obtained an experimental and theoretical coefficient of performance varying between 9% and 14% with a difference of between 0% and 3%. We conclude that our model is suitable to estimate the COP of any device based on its thermal properties, the ambient temperature and the irradiation of a given site.
This paper deals with the evaluation of the Coefficient of Performance (COP) of solar adsorption refrigeration. In the literature, simulation models to predict the thermal behaviour and the coefficient of performance of these systems are uncommon. This is why we suggest a model to simulate the operation of the machine in a typical hot and dry climate of the city of Ouagadougou. The objective is to provide a model for calculating the COP from the measurement of the ambient temperature and the irradiation of a given site. Starting from mathematical modelling, a resolution and simulation were made with COMSOL software based on the Dubinin-Astakhov adsorption model, the heat transfer balance equations, and the Linear Driving Force (LDF) model to describe the thermal behaviour of the system. A one-week measurement sequence on the adsorption solar refrigerator at the Albert Schweitzer Ecological Centre (CEAS) validated the numerical results. The measurement shows that for the days with high sunshine, the temperature of the reaction medium reaches 110°C, and the pressure reaches 500 mbar. This leads to a production of cold that allows it to reach the temperature of -5°C at the evaporator. Under these conditions, the COP is worth 14%. These results are obtained both by numerical simulation using the COMSOL 5.1 software and after a measurement session on the solar refrigerator available to the CEAS. We obtained an experimental and theoretical coefficient of performance varying between 9% and 14% with a difference of between 0% and 3%. We conclude that our model is suitable to estimate the COP of any device based on its thermal properties, the ambient temperature and the irradiation of a given site.