

Hutong in the Sunset and Hutong Community in the Sunrise——Taking JX Community in D District of Beijing as an Example
摘要 本文以胡同功能和居住人口成分的变化为主线,描述经济变迁背景下胡同的社会文化变迁,是一项以北京胡同为田野研究地点的社会人类学研究。本文对胡同生活加以描述,简述胡同中不同的居民群体,同时介绍胡同维持机制,国家权力是对社区秩序的保证,而能够提供廉价服务的、低劳动报酬的外地人的进入,是胡同维持的另一保障。北京的胡同四合院是一种传统居住环境,但在日新月异的城市建设中胡同正快速地从人们的视野中消退,现存的胡同多数被开发为旅游景点,胡同、四合院成为"人类动物园"(human zoo),生活于其中的居民亦在导游们对历史的讲述和对现状的评说中成为游客们参观的对象。胡同作为传统社区,正在经历衰落和死亡之痛。社区的重建或再生是制止胡同死亡的重要途径。 This thesis is a study of Social Anthropology based on the field research of Beijing hutong community.The function and resident composition changes,which lead to the social and cultural changes,will be detailed on the article.Hutong is now disappearing during the urban construction process,and the current preserved hutong are developed as sightseeing,so as the hutong residents.The hutong community studied in the article is inner the imperial city,because of the unique location,the fate of the residents there is closely related to the social changes.Now people there are living in small rooms with low income,and the number of single people is rising up,while the unique location and welfare security somehow raise the special superiority of the local residents.They still live in the hallucination that they are residents of imperial city and different from others.They care about their Beijing residential identity and believe their house can bring about fortune and change their fate,although sometimes tragedy makes them lose confidence in their fortune.They,like the reed going with wind,have no power to change or even hold their community.This thesis will detail the changes in the last 30 years.During the process of the reconstruction,Beijing preserves some old communities under the name of cultural relic protection.On preservation,the government pay more attention to the cultural significance while neglect its living significance.At present,the architecture attracts foreigners living in the hutong,and the low rent attracts the migrant worker,also the market economy make some people in the hutong rich,especially these who have more houses.Along with the coming of foreigners,migrant workers and the appearance of rich people,the old hutong residents are declining.In a large sense,it means Beijing becoming a modern and international city instead of a feudal consumption city.The changes happening in the hutong is the reflection of the China urbanization and the old hutong will inevitably fade in the modern society.Now the studies of sociology and anthropology care more about the communities located in the junction of the city and suburb,that is,"villages within the cities",while less about the preserved city area.In the thesis,the author will write about the preserved city area.In the thesis,the author will write about the preserved city area in following parts.The first part is the background of urban research,which is reviewed from the aspects of hutong cultural symbol,modern rituals in the hutong community,people and society in the hutong.The second part describes field research in the hutong community.First of all,it is the basic situation of the community.Secondly,it is the life of the Beijing residents in the hutong.Houses are very important to them and the family relationship is affected by their houses,which will affect the regeneration of the family.As to the occupation of the local people,they also engage in some low paid jobs and many of them have no jobs.They have welfare security because of the Beijing residential identity and they believe houses can change their fate.Some of them are waiting for moving out of the hutong by reconstruction and asking for a good compensation.Furthermore,it is about the besieged local people.The real estate market makes people who have house investment in the hutong rich and a few people control most of the space in the hutong.Moreover,the foreigner and the strangers’ tour in the hutong or some of them even live in the hutong also changes the structure and culture of the old hutong.As a traditional civic community,hutong has undergone great changes in the social and cultural boundaries because of the special class,the entry of foreigners and the birth of new hutongs.There is basically no common cultural identity among residents of different identities.In a special and limited space,ordinary hutong residents are deeply under siege,from space encroachment to suppression of class and identity.Although hutong residents live in their own space,they are not free.From their use of space to their way of life,they are always under observation.For the privileged class,in talking,they show a kind of pride in sharing space with people in this class.For example,they will list the celebrities who have lived in this space,because those people are their neighbors.On the other hand,being close to these people,they have a strong spatial repression.So sometimes they will consciously and unconsciously return to certain special historical events to reflect their dissatisfaction with the privileged class.Hutong residents are treated differently in the new wealth of the hutong.They have a common memory,they are willing to treat them as their own,and they do not refuse.However,for the wealthy newcomers in the hutong,they do not care about it,and think that those people’s wealth is not glorious.For foreigners entering their space,residents usually take a respectful attitude.Residents did not show obvious rejection of some cultural information given to them after their stay,but they did not follow suit.For foreign tourists who come out in the hutong,they are even more ignorant and very reluctant to visit their own lives.In this way,there are several different worlds in the hutong.The ordinary people have a world of nostalgia,foreigners know the world of China and the world of the interests of new dignitaries.At the same time,it also describes the transformation of Juer Hutong paying a foundation for the theoretical innovation below.The third part is about the study of community death and regeneration.Firstly,it is the mechanism of hutong maintenance.First of all,the government power provides the political security for the hutong maintenance.For example,the architecture preservation and social security policy are both important condition of the hutong maintenance.Besides,the migrant workers in the hutong are willing to engage in the low paid jobs and provide service for the local people,that’s in fact another important condition of the hutong maintenance mechanism,and this is also caused the difference pattern in the hutong.Due to the changes and transformation of society,the residents in the hutong have experienced great heterogeneity.Of course,heterogeneity is also an inevitable trend in the development of urban society.The larger the community,the higher the population density and the stronger the individual heterogeneity.Although these heterogeneous people are still in the same class from the perspective of social stratification,they form a strong "sense of us"and "sense of them" in the intermal identification of the class.According to the differential pattern,the people who hutong residents themselves introduce to their own relationship may only have their own neighborhood neighbors.They passively have social relationships with foreigners,blue-collar foreigners and ants.This passive relationship arises from social change clubs.However,apart from the outsiders,the social relations of the hutong Pekingese are also difficult to maintain.Because the maintenance of relationships within the community is increasingly relying on intermediate forces,or the simplification of modern urban society,it also pushes people to the situation of having to rely on third parties for production and life.As a traditional community,hutong is experiencing comedown and death.For the death of a community,there are some styles,such as the disappearance of original architecture,the fading of the local people or being replaced by migrants.Now all the phenomena are happening in the hutong,so only by regeneration can stop the death of the hutong.A good example for hutong regeneration is the reconstruction of Juer Hutong."You must not change your mind about a city with a long history of culture,because history cannot be changed.Such a city is a museum,exhibits are the ancient buildings of the city,throwing aw ay these exhibits and replacing them with modern people.The museum does not exist.If you regret it and then copy the exhibits again,the museum still does not exist because there are not many people who are willing to see a museum." This is the second time for a German teacher.After visiting Beijing,I felt that because he saw Beijing,there were more fake products than real products.Hutong,as part of the museum of the city,is fading and disappearing.This is an undeniable fact.However,it is gratifying that Beijing decided to implement the Medium and Long-term Plan for the Protection and Utilization of Cultural Relics in Beijing from 2008 to 2015.The goal is to carry out the restoration of cultural relics around the protection of Beijing’s famous cities,environmental remediation,and the restoration of Beijing’s ancient capital.Through the maintenance of the medium and long-term protection plan,the cultural relics in the core city of Beijing,the inner city,and the historic city can be restored to the best level in history,so that the historical buildings in the famous city of Beijing can basically display the original.I believe that under the protection,rectification and more reasonable planning,hutong can show the beauty of the sunset.
作者 魏霞 牛潇蒙(校译) Wei Xia
出处 《政治人类学评论》 2019年第2期221-280,306-311,9,共67页 Political Anthropology Review
关键词 胡同社区 社会变迁 文化变迁 社区死亡 社区再生 Hutong Community Social Changing Culture Changing Community Death Community Regeneration
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