Nlaser activated autofluorescence of freshly resected 16 gastric cancer and 2 benigngastric ulcer specimens were studied both by naked-eye observation and spectroscopy,emphasing on the relationship beween pathological effect and peak-value spectra recordedin the cancerous regions.Positive results as shown by orange-red fluorescence with nakedeye had been recorded with an accordance rate of 83.3%.Meanwhile,in spectral study,atotal of 115 detecting points of these 18 cases with a total accordance rate of 89.6%hadshown the presence of a characteristic peak at 5900A in gastric cauncerous regions or theabsence in normal non-cancerous tissues either at the surrounding or the non-cancerousregion suggesting that this method has a,definite value in the diagnosis of gastric cancer.The study of 76 detecting points from 16 proven gastric cancers revealed that certainrelations existed between fluorescent intensity of the cancerous peak and the followingpathological features,namely:histological types;number of cancerous cells;thickness ofthe covering mucous membrane and"activities"of the cancerous cells.