

Analysis of the Three Dimensions of Moral Concepts in The Holy Family
摘要 马克思在《神圣家族》中虽没对道德领域进行专门论述,却通过批判鲍威尔等人的道德说教,揭露资产阶级社会的不道德现象,呈现出自己的道德观念和立场。马克思认为鲍威尔等人达不到对世界进行唯物的、历史的解读高度,只能用抽象观念道德进行说教。他否定鲍威尔等人把社会道德建设寄托在脱离底层群众的社会少数精英身上,而无视底层群众渴望改变自身生活条件的做法。他在一定程度上肯定爱尔维修的感性道德主张,认为后者已经从人的利益角度考察道德的起源问题。但遗憾的是,爱尔维修感性道德局限在个人主义层面止步不前,最终又沦为为资产阶级利益进行辩护的理论。马克思从无产阶级普遍贫困的生活条件出发,指出道德的生活起源问题,用历史批判超越单纯的、抽象的道德批判,不仅为实现无产阶级现实利益做了道德观念的思想准备,还为历史唯物主义伦理思想的形成奠定了重要基础。 Marx exposed the immoral phenomena in bourgeois society by criticizing the moral preaching of Bauer and others,presented his own moral concepts and positions in The Holy Family,although he did not specifically discuss the moral field.Marx believed that Bauer and others who could only preach with abstract conceptual morality could not reach a height of materialistic and historical interpretation of the world.He denied that Bauer and others placed social and moral construction on a few elites who are detached from the lower class.He also denied that Bauer and others ignored the desire of the lower class to change their living conditions.Marx affirmed the sensible morality proposition of Helvetius to a certain extent,believing that the latter had already examined the origin of morality from the perspective of human interests.The limitations of sensible morality and individualism in Helvetius's theory ultimately became a defense for the interests of the bourgeoisie unfortunately.Starting from the generally impoverished living conditions of the proletariat,Marx pointed out the problem of the origin of moral life.He used historical criticism to transcend simple and abstract moral criticism.This not only prepared the moral concept for realizing the practical interests of the proletariat,but also laid an important foundation for the formation of historical materialism ethics.
作者 卢晨昊 任帅军 Lu Chenhao;Ren Shuaijun(School of Marxism,Southeast University,Nanjing 210000,China;School of Marxism,Shang Hai University,Shang Hai 200444,China)
出处 《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第6期37-43,139,共8页 Journal of Zhengzhou University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“马克思主义文明观研究”(项目编号:22&ZD006)阶段性成果
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