
新时代高职院校课程思政教育教学推进的三重逻辑 被引量:11

Three Logics of Promoting Ideological and Political Education through Curriculum and Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges in the New Era
摘要 课程思政是新时代高等教育教学理念与实践的创新,有效实现了知识传授、能力提升与价值引领的有机统一,从根本上回应了"培养什么人、怎样培养人、为谁培养人"这一教育根本问题,是落实立德树人的根本遵循。培养高素质应用型人才是高职院校的教育教学宗旨,为实现这一人才培养目标,应积极推进课程思政建设。高职院校课程思政教育教学的有效开展及持续推进,既是院校特点、育人目标与时代发展等校情、时情、势情内生逻辑共同作用的结果,也是马克思主义人的全面发展理论、课程育人本质、新时代有效教学理论等认识论、课程论及方法论驱动的必然。高职院校课程思政的推进,需要建立健全课程思政的机制体系,强化教师课程思政的理念与能力,构建匠心独具的思政元素教学融入体系。 Ideological and political education through curriculum and teaching is the innovation of teaching idea and practice of higher education in the new era,which effectively realized the organic unity of knowledge imparting,ability promoting and value leading.It fundamentally responds to the major theoretical and practical problems such as"for whom to train people,what kind of people to train,and how to cultivate people".Cultivating high-quality applied talents is the aim of education and teaching in higher vocational colleges.In order to achieve this goal,it should actively promote the construction of ideological and political education through curriculum and teaching.The development of ideological and political education through curriculum and teaching in higher vocational colleges is the result of the co-action of internal logic such as characteristics of college,educational goal and the era development.It is also the inevitable driving force of Marxist theory of overall development,the essence of curriculum education and effective teaching theory in the new era.To promote ideological and political education through curriculum and teaching in higher vocational colleges,it is necessary to establish and perfect the mechanism system of ideological and political education through curriculum and teaching,strengthen the ability of teachers,and build the integration system with a unique element of ideological and political education through curriculum and teaching.
作者 冯淑慧 Feng Shuhui(Marxism College of Shandong Commercial College,Yantai 264005)
出处 《职业技术教育》 北大核心 2021年第16期35-40,共6页 Vocational and Technical Education
基金 2019年度教育部示范优秀教学科研团队建设项目(一般选题)“思想政治理论课视阈下的‘建设美丽中国’教学研究”(19JDSZK099) 2017年山东省高等学校人文社会科学研究项目“高校大学生生态德育:现状、原因及对策研究”(J17RA023),主持人:冯淑慧
关键词 新时代 高职院校 课程思政 三重逻辑 new era higher vocational colleges ideological and political education through curriculum and teaching three logics
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