

Chongqing Negotiation:On the Summit Meeting of the KMT and the CPC and Its Historical Implications
摘要 重庆谈判是国共两党举行的历史上一次级别最高、时间最长、地点最显赫的“三最峰会”。抗战胜利之际,蒋介石迫于国际国内强烈和平愿望和为争取准备内战的时间,三电邀请毛泽东赴重庆会谈。毛泽东毅然做出赴重庆谈判的决定。谈判历时43天,最终签署了“双十协定”。毛泽东、周恩来在“三最峰会”的卓越政治智慧,就是以革命的两手对付蒋介石的反革命两手,“文仗”会里会外,占领道义高地;武仗自卫争胜,和谈坚强后盾;两手相辅而行,推动峰会协定。以毛泽东为主要代表的中国共产党人展现的卓越政治智慧和给予的重要历史启示,是我们党百年历史的宝贵遗产。 The Chongqing negotiation,a summit meeting of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China,features“superlative degree”in three aspects,i.e.,the highest-level,the lengthiest,and the most prominent in history.Upon the victory of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression,Chiang Kai-shek,urged by a strong aspiration for peace both domestically and internationally,and for gaining time to prepare for civil war,invited Mao Zedong to Chongqing for talks.Mao Zedong resolutely made the decision to go to Chongqing for negotiation.The negotiation lasted for 43 days and concluded with the signing of the“October Tenth Agreement”.Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai showed outstanding political wisdom at the summit meeting:they applied revolutionary tactics to deal with Chiang’s counter-revolutionary tactics.They“battled”against the Chiang regime on and off the negotiating table to secured a moral high ground while seeking to win the military battles for self-defense to provide a strong backing for the peace talks;they played both firm and flexible cards to promote the concluding of the summit agreement.The outstanding political wisdom and its important historical implications shown by the CPC leadership represented by Mao Zedong remain a valuable heritage of the Party in the past century.
作者 石仲泉 SHI Zhongquan(Party History Research Office of the CPC Central Committee,Haidian,Beijing 100080)
出处 《中国延安干部学院学报》 2023年第5期44-51,共8页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Yan’an
关键词 毛泽东 重庆谈判 “三最峰会” 政治智慧 Mao Zedong Chongqing Negotiation “Three Most”summit political wisdom








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