
清代河湟乡村治理研究——铸牢中华民族共同体意识的基层视角 被引量:1

Research on Rural Governance in Hehuang Area in Qing Dynasty: A Grass-Roots Perspective on Solidifying the Sense of the Chinese National Community
摘要 河湟是多民族走廊。清代正是其由“多元”走向“一体”、由“华夏边疆”走向“王朝腹地”的转型阶段。清王朝秉持统一与特殊、控制与自治、分立与制衡、抚驭与武力相结合的治理思想,构筑多重乡村权力网络,建立强有力的基层军事系统并采取征收赋税、利用宗教、推行儒学等措施,形成了一套全方位、系统化的乡村治理模式,大大加强了对河湟乡村的管控,标志着其乡村治理进入一个“新阶段”,对巩固国家的统一具有重要意义。清代河湟乡村治理对象的多样性造就了治理模式的多重性,而清王朝既扶持又打压的治理方略更加剧了河湟地区乡村治理的复杂性——既非常重视对乡村社会传统权威的整合与利用,又心存戒备,唯恐其权力过大而影响中央对乡村社会的控制。于是这里既有乡约、保甲,又有土司、千户,还有喇嘛、阿訇,形成了多中心主体权威,构建起复合型治理结构。这种“复合”的核心是多种权威的“和谐共生、协同配合”,以此取得“相得益彰、长治久安”的效果。清代河湟乡村治理打破了河湟地区因基层社会权力世袭和固化而导致的“二元制”社会结构,王朝国家的权力可以深入乡村,实现了由“间接统治”向“直接管理”的飞跃,对加强国家认同与社会整合有积极意义,推动了“多元一体”中国的巩固和发展。 Hehuang area is a multi-ethnic corridor.The Qing Dynasty is the transformation stage from“diversity”to“integration”and from“Huaxia frontier”to“hinterland of dynasty”.The Qing Dynasty adhered to the combined governance ideas of unification and peculiarity,control and autonomy,separation and balance,appeasing and force,while built multiple rural power networks and a strong grass-roots military system.In addition,it formulated measures such as tax collection,religion utilization and promoting Confucianism,so as to generating a comprehensive and systematic rural governance model,which could significantly strengthen the control of rural villages in Hehuang area and marked its rural governance entering into a“new stage”.This is of great significance to consolidate the unification of the country.The diversity of governance objects in Hehuang rural area in the Qing Dynasty created the multiplicity of the governance structure,while the governance strategy of both supporting and suppressing(it both attaches great importance to the integration and utilization of the traditional authority of rural society,while at the same time is on the alert,being afraid of its excessive power could impact the control of the central government over rural society)also intensified the complexity of rural governance in Hehuang area.Therefore,here it boasts village regulations,Baojia,Tusi chieftain,and Qianhu,as well as Lama and Akhond.It has formed a multi-center subject authority and constructed a compound governance structure.The core of this“compound”is the multiple authority of“harmonious coexistence and coordination”,so as to achieve the effect of“complement each other,long-term peace and stability”.In the Qing Dynasty,Hehuang rural governance broke the“dual system”social structure caused by the hereditary and solidification of grassroots social power in Hehuang area,promoted the social integration and strengthened the national identity.The power of dynastic countries can go deep into the rural area,realizing the significant shift from“indirect ruling”to“direct management”,which has positive significance for strengthening national identity and social integration,and promoting the consolidation and development of“diversity in unity”in China.
作者 何威 HE Wei(Institute of Nationalities,Henan University,Kaifeng,Henan 475001)
出处 《中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期33-40,共8页 Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国历史上的灾害与国家治理能力建设研究”(项目编号:20&ZD225)的阶段性成果
关键词 清代 河湟 乡村治理 Qing Dynasty Hehuang rural governance
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