
论唐代两蕃的族群认同与构建 被引量:3

On Ethnic Identity and Construction of Liangfan in Tang Dynasty
摘要 契丹与奚在唐代被称为"两蕃"。"两蕃"不是一个简单的共称,它实质上代表着这两个族群之间的不断融合,并趋向形成一个民族共同体的历史过程。贯穿这一过程的是奚与契丹由一体到分化再到合体的曲折演变。北魏建立前后,奚与契丹分别自号为"库莫奚"和"契丹"。隐藏在这一行为背后的是二者对其族群认同的重构,这是二者由一体到分化的开始,也是他们走上民族共同体各自发展道路的开始。虽然奚与契丹在分化后,各有自己的驻牧地,但他们的驻牧地共同组成一个大的整体区域,二者共享和竞争这一整体区域内的所有资源。相同的居地环境还造就了二者大体相同的生业方式、生活方式和风俗习惯等。此外,奚与契丹应该拥有大致相同的语言。从上述这些共有的文化特征来看,奚与契丹在分化后,虽然各自走上了不同的发展道路,但二者仍有着密切的联系,并且这种联系日渐增强,以至于到唐代被当时人视为"递为表里"的"两蕃"。然而,最能体现奚与契丹之间密切关系的,还是它们关于共同祖先和族源的记忆与认同。这种认同应该是源自奚与契丹最初实为一体的历史真实,是二者之间所具有的"根基性"的情感联系,它能够促使奚与契丹在现实利益的影响下,适时地调整并达成相同的族群认同,促使二者再次向着合体发展。 Khitan and Xi were regarded as Liangfan in Tang Dynasty.Liangfan is not a simple common name,it essentially represents the continuous integration between the two ethnic groups,and tends to form a historical process of national community.The history experienced twists and turns of a process of integration-separation-reintegration of Xi and Khitan.Before and after the establishment of the Northern Wei Dynasty,Xi and Khitan were named"Kumoxi"and"Qidan".Hidden behind this behavior is the reconstruction of their ethnic identity,which is the beginning of their integration to differentiation,and the beginning of their independent development of the national community.Although Xi and Khitan have their own pastoral land after separation,their pastoral land forms a large whole area,which shares and competes for all the resources in the whole area.The same living environment also creates the same way of life,lifestyle and customs.In addition,Xi and Khitan should have roughly the same language.From the above mentioned objective cultural characteristics,Xi and Khitan have taken different paths of development after separation,but they are still closely related.This connection is enhancing day by day,so that they was regarded as"Liangfan"or basically the same by people during the Tang Dynasty.However,it is their memory and identification of common ancestors and ethnic origin that best reflect the close relationship between Xi and Khitan.This kind of identity should be derived from the historical reality of Xi and Khitan being one initially,and the two shared the"basic"emotional connection.It can thus promote Xi and Khitan to adjust and reach the same ethnic identity in time under the influence of their realistic interests,and result in them to reintegrate once again.
作者 毕德广 BI De-guang(College of History and Culture,Qufu Normal University,Qufu,Shandong 273165)
出处 《中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期133-139,共7页 Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“唐代东北地区两蕃的考古发现与研究”(项目编号:15CKG012)阶段性成果
关键词 两蕃 契丹 族群认同 Liangfan Xi Khitan ethnic identity
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