
草地畜牧业的价值链分析——基于内蒙古12个典型纯牧业旗的调查 被引量:4

Analysis on the Value Chain of Grassland Animal Husbandry——Findings Based on a Survey of Twelve Typical,Pure Animal Husbandry Banners in Inner Mongolia
摘要 本文通过对以往内蒙古草地畜牧业研究文献进行回顾归纳,结合内蒙古12个典型纯牧业旗的牧户抽样调查数据对牧户价值链进行研究,发现牧户价值链中收益排序依次为技术专利、金融资本、国家税费和牧户收益。进一步研究发现,具有公共用品属性的草地畜牧业,存在生产季节性与降水的非平衡性,导致畜牧业经济的非预期性。草地产权制度变革致使放牧半径缩短,降低了移动式放牧畜牧业的弹性。草地畜牧业种(母)畜市场无法供给,需要自我培育的市场失灵,致使牧户始终处于通过外来能量(购买饲草料)来保障繁育母畜的自发行动中,并用借贷来维持小牧经济的再生产。一旦遭遇灾害,如持续干旱现象,会导致牧户大量负债。同时,牧户间传统的社会网络(社会资本)互助属性消亡,导致对金融资本的高强度依赖。草地畜牧业价值链分配的不公平,给食品安全、公共健康、环境生态、牧民生计和边境边疆稳定等带来了严峻挑战。对维护"生态优先、绿色发展"国家战略具有重要意义的草地畜牧业,国家应结合牧区乡村振兴战略,针对资本、技术和国家税收各方面,制定一系列用以提高牧民纯收入的保护草地畜牧业政策。 Based on a review of the literature of grassland animal husbandry and data obtained from a sample survey of pastoral households in twelve typical Inner Mongolian herder communities,this paper analyzes the current social and economic challenges experienced by herder people arising out of changes to the grassland property rights system.The analysis focuses on the perspectives of the grassland animal husbandry’s value-chain,concentrating on its impact on capital,technology and taxation,and how these affect the livelihood of pure animal husbandry pastoralists in Inner Mongolia.The study makes an important contribution to the literature in the following areas.Firstly,each link of the value chain impacts negatively on the income of the herders.Secondly,the animal husbandry economy has become more vulnerable as a result of unpredictable precipitation and changes to the grassland property rights system which has reduced the grazing range of animals due to declining access to fresh pastures.This herder and animal mobility constraint prevents animals accessing new pastures forcing herders to borrow money to purchase feedstock,making them economically vulnerable and facing large debts.Thirdly,these property rights have broken down traditional social networks and norms which facilitated herders to cooperate in times of hardship,in particular,periods of drought.These three factors potentially pose serious challenges to the food safety of the region,its public health,the environment,and herder people’s livelihood,as well as border stability with Mongolia.The paper recommends that through the rural revitalization strategy and in consultation with the herders the government formulates a series of intervention policies to improve the socio-economic conditions of herder people,improve the agricultural value chain and ensure border protection.
作者 达林太 齐木德道尔吉 DA Lin-tai;CHIME Dorji(Mongolian Research Center of Inner Mongolia University,Hohhot 010021)
出处 《中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期70-78,共9页 Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 中宣部“四个一批”人才项目“内蒙古蒙古族人口问题研究”(30900-5440201) 教育部哲学社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“内蒙古农牧业产业组织体系研究”(2016JJD8008)研究成果.
关键词 内蒙古纯牧区 草地畜牧业 金融资本 技术专利 国家税收 technology patent financial capital national tax grassland animal husbandry Inner Mongolia pure pastoral area
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