
圣人无容心 直书非常事——吴澄对《春秋》诠释体系的重建

The saint is above board to record unusual things——Wu Cheng’s reconstruction of the interpretation system of the Chun Qiu
摘要 由于受清人观点的影响,论者对元代《春秋》学多不甚措意,但实际上《春秋》学发展的内在逻辑并未因宋元易代而被实质性地打破:由于程朱于《春秋》无成书,因而接续程朱(主要是朱子)以重建《春秋》诠释体系构成元代《春秋》学之首务。吴澄一方面继承朱子之"圣人"观念及"据实直书"说,同时又通过引入"《春秋》常事不书"观念以克服朱说之困境,进而重建"例"学。其"例"既非《公》《穀》之文辞褒贬凡例,亦非《左传》史例,而是被改造为刻画孔子之"实"的记事规则。其核心要素是据实直书,具体实现路径为:直书以见实、变文以见实、笔削以见实、特笔以见实。 Because of the views of Qing dynasty,academia did not attach importance to the thought of Chun Qiu of Yuan dynasty.But its internal logic hadn`t been substantially broken because of the Song and Yuan dynasty regime change:Because Cheng Yi and Chu Hsi didn’t annotate the Chun Qiu integrallty,the scholars of Yuan on the Chun Qiu Annals followed them-especially Chu Hsitook the reconstruction of the interpretation system of Chun Qiu as their primary task.Because of the theoretical dilemma of Chu Hsi’s view on Chun Qiu,they must first solve this problem in order to rebuild the Chun Qiu Annals.Wu Cheng inherited Chu Hsi’s idea of"sage"and true record,he introduced an idea which Chun Qiu"recorded the unusual events"to overcome the dilemma of Chu Hsi’s concept and reconstructed the"notes on the use".It was neither Gong Yang and Gu Liang`s"notes on the use"of the words nor Zuo Zhuan’s"notes on the use"of the historiography,it was the writing rule which to describe the facts that Confucius understood.The core element was recording the truth,the realization ways were describing the facts by recording the truth,changing the recording words,deleting the words and using the special writing style.
作者 张立恩 ZHANG Lien(School of Philosophy,Northwest Normal University,730070)
出处 《哲学评论》 2019年第2期15-29,共15页 Wuda Philosophical Review
关键词 朱子 吴澄 《春秋》 Chu Hsi Wu Cheng Chun Qiu
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