

Jurisprudence and Path of Judicial Application of Similar Interpretation Rules of Criminal Law
摘要 刑法同类解释规则对于刑法规范含义的明确具有重要价值。理论界关于刑法同类解释规则的关注均集中于“符号化”的抽象叙事或者个罪(案)分析时的“一笔带过”,呈现十分明显的“碎片化”趋势和“工具化”倾向,缺乏作为一种法律解释方法的一般性特征和应有属性,由此造成理论供给与实务需求之间的严重脱节,亟须在司法适用层面完成刑法同类解释规则的体系化构建。刑法同类解释规则司法适用指涉的对象并非具体列举事项和概括词语,而是待决案件、具体列举事项和概括词语三者的“相似性”关系。确定规范类型、选择比较基点、提取事物本质、实现等置处理是刑法同类解释规则司法适用的方法步骤。在规范类型的确定上,既要在规范类型与待决案件相互“沟通”的基础上探寻规范类型的具体化意蕴,也要对待决案件作类型化处理;在比较基点的选择上,通盘考虑特征的异同面及其权重,并着眼于核心特征的固定;事物本质的提取是一个体系化整理的过程,对刑法条文已经规定的本质要求不作降格处理,并遵循同一犯罪不同领域事物本质意义脉络的一致性;在等置处理的实现上,将犯罪构成要件作为等置处理的依据,审慎考虑等置处理的“法内”效果和“法外”效果,同时关注司法解释规定的除外情形。 narrative or the“one stroke”in the analysis of individual crimes(cases),showing a very obvious“fragmentation”trend and“instrumentalization”trend,lacking the general characteristics and attributes as a method of legal interpretation,resulting in a serious disconnect between theoretical supply and practical demand.It is urgent to complete the systematic construction of similar interpretation rules of criminal law at the level of judicial application.The judicial application of similar interpretation rules of Criminal Law refers to the“similarity”relationship among pending cases,specific enumerated matters and generalized words,rather than specific enumerated matters and generalized words.The methods and steps of judicial application of similar interpretation rules of criminal law are to determine the type of norms,select the basis of comparison,extract the essence of things,and realize equal treatment.In determining the type of norms,we should not only explore the specific meaning of the type of norms on the basis of the mutual“communication”between the type of norms and pending cases,but also deal with the type of pending cases.In the selection of comparison base points,we should comprehensively consider the similarities and differences of features and their weights,and focus on the fixation of core features.The extraction of the essence of things is a systematic process,which does not degrade the essential requirements that have been stipulated in the provisions of the criminal law,and follows the consistency of the essential meaning of things in different fields of the same crime.In the realization of equal treatment,we should take the constitutive elements of crime as the basis of equal treatment,carefully consider the“in law”effect and“out of law”effect of equal treatment,and pay attention to the exceptions stipulated in judicial interpretation.
作者 俞小海 Yu Xiaohai
出处 《中山大学法律评论》 2022年第2期173-219,共47页 Sun Yatsen University Law Review
关键词 刑法同类解释规则 规范类型 比较基点 事物本质 等置处理 Similar Interpretation Rules of Criminal Law Specification Type Comparison Base Point Essence of Things Equal Treatment
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