

Research on the Structure of Second Instance Procedure Structure in Cases of Plead Guilt and Punishments——Transformation from Trial Denovo to Trial Denovo and Post-Review
摘要 认罪认罚从宽制度的实施对刑事二审程序具有重要影响,但刑事诉讼法未就认罪认罚案件二审程序作出特殊规定,认罪认罚案件与其他案件统一适用以复审制构造为主导的二审程序。认罪认罚案件二审程序与复审制构造因在价值导向、功能目标、运作逻辑三重维度上存在矛盾,而难以实现良好的相容效果。二审程序构造的改革不仅应遵循程序构造的基本运作原理,还需防范认罪认罚从宽制度适用的错案风险,顺应以审判为中心的诉讼制度改革趋势。推动认罪认罚案件二审程序构造的“双轨制”改革是未来的发展路径,即速裁案件的二审程序采用事后审查制;简易案件、普通案件的二审程序采用经合理调整的复审制。同时,应当完善相关的配套机制,深入履行检察机关的客观公正义务,强化保障被追诉人的辩护权利,健全认罪认罚自愿性、合法性的审查规则以及落实一审程序的事实审地位。 The implementation of the system of leniency for pleading guilty and accepting punishment has an important impact on the criminal second instance procedure.However,the criminal procedure law does not provide special provisions on the second instance procedure in cases of plead guilt and punishments.Cases of plead guilt and punishments and other cases are uniformly applicable to the second instance procedure led by the trial denovo.It is difficult to achieve a good compatibility effect between the second instance procedure in cases of plead guilt and punishments and the trial denovo because they have contradictions in the three dimensions of value orientation,functional goals and operational logic.The reform of the structure of second instance procedure should not only follow the basic operation principles of the procedural structure,but also prevent the risk of misjudged cases in the application of the system of leniency for pleading guilty and accepting punishment and comply with the reform trend of litigation system centered on judgment.Promoting the“two track system”reform of the structure of the second instance procedure in cases of plead guilt and punishments is the future development path.The post-review is adopted in the second instance procedure of fast-track cases.The reasonably adjusted trial denovo is adopted in the second instance procedure of summary cases and ordinary cases.At the same time,we should improve the relevant supporting mechanisms,deeply fulfill the objective and fair obligations of the procuratorial organ,strengthen the protection of the defendants'right of defense,improve review rules for the voluntariness and legitimacy of confession and accepting punishment,and implement the factual trial status of the first instance procedure.
作者 戴紫君 Dai Zijun
出处 《中山大学法律评论》 2022年第2期142-172,共31页 Sun Yatsen University Law Review
关键词 认罪认罚从宽制度 二审程序 复审制 事后审查制 The System of Leniency for Pleading Guilty and Accepting Punishment Second Instance Procedure Trial Denovo Post-Review
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