
土改前后地权分配之比较:基于县志的研究 被引量:2

Comparison of Land Distribution between Pre Land Reform and Post Land Reform in China:A Study Based on Gazetteers
摘要 本文从县志中搜集整理了千余县土改前后地权分配的数据,并从多个维度(基尼系数、第一泰尔指数、地主富农占地百分比和不平等指数)测度了土改前后地权分配的不平等状况。根据县志数据,全国地主、富农、中农和贫雇农的人口占比分别为4.95%、3.68%、34.7%和48.56%。文章首先计算了县级层面的地权分配不平等程度,然后将衡量县级地权分配不平等的各项指标加总到省、地区及全国层面,最后进行区域之间的对比和土改前后的对比。研究表明,土地改革极大地降低了我国地权分配的不平等程度。从县级层面来看,土改前,样本中地权分配基尼系数大于0.4的县数占55.77%;土改后,样本中基尼系数小于0.2的县数占91.35%。从全国层面来看,土改前,地权分配不平等程度较高,基尼系数均值为0.47,第一泰尔指数均值为0.59,不平等指数为0.53,地主富农占地42.8%,各地区和省的不平等程度差异较大,其中地权分配最集中的地区是东北和西南地区,最分散的是西北地区;土改后,各地区和各省的地权基本实现平均分配,全国基尼系数均值为0.10,第一泰尔指数均值为0.05,地主富农占地百分比之和为10.73%。文末利用其他官方统计数据计算出的地权分配基尼系数与本文基于县志数据的计算结果进行比较,证实了县志数据的可信度,而县志数据更加系统,这为今后的研究提供了更好的微观基础。 We collect data about land distribution in pre and post land reform from gazetteers of more than 1000 counties,and attempt to measure the land inequality using four indicators:Gini coefficient,First Theil Index,percentage of land occupied by landlords and rich farmers,and inequality index.According to gazetteers,the proportion of the population of landlords,rich farmers,middle farmers,and tenant farmers was 4.95%、3.68%、34.7%and 48.56%.First,we calculate the indicators of land inequality in the county level,and then aggregate the indicators to the provincial,regional,and national level.Finally,we make some comparisons between pre and post land reform among provinces and regions.Our results indicate that land reform has greatly improved the land inequality in China.In the county level,Gini coefficients are greater than 0.4 in 55.77%of total samples before land reform,but after land reform,they are less than 0.2 in 91.35%of total samples.In the national level,the land inequality was very significant before land reform.The Gini coefficient is 0.47 on average,the first Theil index is 0.59,the inequality index is 0.53,and the landlords and rich farmers occupied 42.8%of the total land.In addition,the land inequality varies greatly cross regions and provinces.Northeast and Southwest regions are the most concentrated distribution of land rights,while Northwest is the least one.The land was equally distributed after land reform.The Gini coefficient is 0.1 on average,the first Theil index is 0.05,and the landlords and rich farmers occupied 10.73%of the total land.At the end of this paper,we use other official statistics to calculate the Gini coefficient of land distribution,and compare it with the Gini coefficient based on gazetteers,which confirms the credibility of our conclusions,but the data in this paper are more systematic,so it can provide a micro foundation for further research.
作者 庞浩 徐之茵 管汉晖 Pang Hao;Xu Zhiyin;Guan Hanhui
出处 《中国经济史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期84-100,共17页 Researches in Chinese Economic History
基金 中央高校基本科研业务专项项目“现当代中国的城市与乡村”的阶段性成果之一 “国家自然科学基金面上项目(70973003)” 北京大学比较经济史研究中心“中国长期工业化研究”的资助
关键词 地权分配不平等 土地改革 基尼系数 Land Inequality Land Reform Gini Coefficient
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