

The Doctrinal Classification Theory of the Sanlun School and the Hermeneutic Methodology of Jizang’s Jingang Bore Shu
摘要 判教思想及理论,是六朝以来诸宗派有别于其他的重要标志,多见于僧人的释经作品中,因而也逐渐演进为汉地解经作品中的重要组成部分。三论宗是隋唐时期创立最早、驻世最短、争议最大的宗派之一,曾一时锋芒无两,却又留下了许多待解之谜。其创始人吉藏的解经学在中国佛教经学史上独树一帜,又是具有其深刻佛教史渊源的。思虑三论宗依"论"起家,其释经活动较之其余宗派应更加重视,且应是在其判教思想的影响与指导下。三论吉藏留下许多博奥难读的释经作品,若以其释经方法论的独特性作为突破口,对辨明该宗之立、兴、灭之议题当有帮助。本文以吉藏《金刚般若疏》为例,分析三论宗判教理论对吉藏释经活动中的宗旨、结构,及解经核心概念的影响,明确了吉藏"一切经平等"的判教思想及解经立场。这种立场表现在《金刚经》解经活动中则是一种"善巧方便"的劝信导修,突出了吉藏解经学中虽说性空而兼顾妙有的"对象意识"。 Since the Six Dynasties,the doctrinal classification theories became the principal characteristic for every buddhist sect which can mostly be found in Chinese monks’works of interpreting buddhist canons,and have gradually evolved into an important part of the buddhist hermeneutics in China.The SanLun School was one of the earliest,shortest and most controversial sects founded in Sui-Tang Dynasties.It was once brilliant but left many puzzles to be solved,and the founder Jizang.s buddhist hermeneutics is unique in the history of Chinese buddhism.Especially as a sect established by"Lun(Upadesa)",the SanLun School always paid more attention to the activities of interpretion than other sects,and the interpreting should be under the influence and guidance of their the doctrinal classification theories.Jizang left behind a lot of profound buddhist works but we can use his doctrinal classification theories as a clue to access his hermeneutic methodology,and it’ll also be helpful to identify the issue of the establishment,prosperity and extinction of this sect.Taking Jinzang.s"Jingang Bore Shu"as an example,this paper analyses the doctrinal classification theories of the SanLun School and its influence on the aim,the structure and the core concepts of Jizang.s Buddhist Scripture interpretation,and clarifies Jizang.s"all canons are equal"classification thought and the interpreting standpoint.This standpoint expressed as the"Upāya-kausalya"in his interpreting ofThe Diamond Sutra,which is a kind of wise and skillful persuasion and guidance in Jizang.s explaining the empty nature.
作者 李铭佳 Li Mingjia
机构地区 厦门大学哲学系
出处 《宗教与历史》 2019年第2期196-214,260-261,共21页 Religion and History
关键词 三论宗 吉藏 判教 解经 《金刚经》 Sanlun School Jizang Doctrinal Classification The Buddhist Hermeneutics The Diamond Sutra
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  • 1廖明活.《净影慧远思想速要》,台湾学生书局,1999年.
  • 2慧远.《大乘义章》,《大正藏》第44卷,第466页下.
  • 3慧远.《维摩义记》..《大正藏》第38卷.,.第421页上-中.
  • 4澄观.《大方广佛华严经疏》,《大正藏》第35卷,第508页中.
  • 5李通玄.《新华严经论》,《大正藏》第36卷,第734页中.
  • 6吉藏.《三论玄义》,《大正藏》第45卷,第7页上.
  • 7吉藏.《法华游意》,《大正藏》第34卷,第644页中.
  • 8吉藏.《净名玄论》,《大正藏》第38卷,第900页下.
  • 9吉藏.《大乘玄论》,《大正藏》第45卷,第64页中.
  • 10吉藏.《法华义疏》,《大正藏》第34卷,第510页下.








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