"5·12"国际护士节(International Nurses Day)是为了纪念近代护理的创始人——英国护士弗劳伦斯·南丁格尔(Florence Nightingale,1820—1910)而设立的。100多年来,"提灯女神"南丁格尔不畏艰险、甘于奉献、救死扶伤、勇于献身的精神,为白衣天使们薪火相传。本期推出国际护士节专题,响应习近平总书记提出的"营造全社会尊医重卫的良好风气"倡议,感谢白衣天使为健康事业作出的贡献。
International Nurses Day was set up to commemorate Florence Nightingale,the England nurse who founded modern nursing.In recent 100 years,Nightingale’s spirit of bravery,dedication and intelligence was passed down from generation to generation by nurses.This issue features the International Nurses Day in response to President Xi Jinping’s proposal o“f creating an atmosphere of respecting both doctors and nurses in society”and appreciates the contribution of health undertaking made b“y angles in white”
Zhejiang Pictorial